Sydney Davis
Serving District 17
I’m excited to represent District 17 in the South Dakota State Senate. I’ve lived in South Dakota my whole life and appreciate all the opportunities this state has given me. I’m grateful for the chance to represent District 17 and give back to this great state.
Getting to Know
District 17
The areas included in District 17 include Vermillion, Meckling, Burbank, Elk Point, Jefferson, McCook Lake, North Sioux City, Dakota Dunes, and rural areas of southern Union and Clay counties.
“I’ve enjoyed serving the people of District 17 and look forward to continuing those efforts in the State Senate. As a healthcare provider, rancher and parent, I want to use my background to help South Dakota continue to be a great place to live, work and raise a family.”
Sydney Davis is ready to go to work for District 17

Keeping Rural Communities Healthy
Sydney’s experience as a health care professional makes sure District 17 has a champion for rural health care fighting for them in Pierre.
Sydney has worked with local Emergency Medical Services to update their regulations to improve their ability to provide support to smaller communities.
Additionally, Sydney has supported cutting edge training facilities for the next generation of health care professionals.
I love this state, and have lived here my whole life.
I can’t imagine calling any other place home.

Supporting Economic Development
Sydney grew up in rural South Dakota with a love of the land and an understanding of running a family farm. She continues that tradition with her family in northern Clay County. Sydney has used her experience to advocate for new revenue streams for farmers and ranchers including developing agri-tourism.
During the last session, Sydney supported grant programs to support new housing developments as many South Dakota communities are struggling to provide affordable housing.
My intentions are solely to be a thoughtful legislator, considering all sides, working to be a problem solver for the betterment of District 17 constituents and this state.
Safeguarding our children’s future
Sydney is a working mother of two and understands the need for quality daycare and educational opportunities for our children. To secure a bright future for our kids, Sydney has supported efforts to invest in our teachers and education system.
She is concerned that too many South Dakota families are struggling to make ends meet and cannot find childcare they can afford. Sydney points to the negative impact on the economy in our small towns. People won’t stay if
there aren’t affordable, quality options.
Working to solve this problem is
an investment in our children and
As a 4th generation cattle producer, I loved growing up in agriculture. I was active in 4-H and FFA and learned early on the value of hard work and perseverance. My husband Garrett and I are grateful to continue that legacy with our children, son, Bo, and daughter, Pepper, raising cattle in Clay county.
A strong calling to help others brought me to a career in healthcare as a nurse. I work as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, CRNA, providing anesthesia services in Vermillion. It's an honor to take care of patients, often during the most stressful time in their lives. I never take that privilege for granted. I received my nursing degree from SDSU and a master's degree from Mount Marty College. I have a deep appreciation for the affordable higher education that exists in South Dakota. This allowed me to stay close to my family and friends while I pursued my degrees.
Last but not least, I have to recognize my husband, Garrett. He's always been my best friend and biggest supporter. He's a hard worker and a great father. We started dating during our freshman year of college, and I'm proud of the life we've built together.
Thank you for joining us on this journey.
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