Serving District 17

I’m driven by results, getting things done, solving problems.
I love this state, and have lived here my whole life.
I can’t imagine calling any other place home. 

Since being elected in 2020, Sydney has gone to work for District 17

Bills Passed as
Prime Sponsor

Bills Passed as

Some highlights of solutions in the legislature include -


Before this last legislative session, South Dakota was one of eleven states that didn’t have laws protecting commercial agritourism activities. There are several agritourism businesses in District 17 that provide a unique experience and promote the state’s #1 industry. Sydney worked with industry and community representatives to successfully change the law so these innovative businesses have room to grow.

In her first term, Sydney joined an effort to fund a bioproducts facility in Brookings which creates new opportunities with a public/private partnership developing new products helping ag producers continue to expand their operations.

Health Care

As a member of the House, Sydney was the prime sponsor updating requirements for EMTs ensuring they can continue to provide a vital link caring for rural South Dakotans.

Another tool to improve access to health care is access to the recruitment assistance programs. Sydney secured a change to the law that expands the program to include CRNAs. Now South Dakotans can have help with pain management close to home.

Sydney worked with a coalition of lawmakers to pass new legislation that would allow for the licensure of rural emergency hospitals. These efforts are aimed at providing more healthcare options in your own community.

Education and Childcare

Improving the next generation of South Dakotans means supporting teachers, parents, and students. Sydney supported extending the requirements for funding going to address teacher pay. She was also part of coalition that changed the law to allow school districts to give signing bonuses when recruiting new teachers.

The South Dakota Freedom scholarship is an effort to stop the brain drain and to keep our best and brightest in South Dakota. Sydney supported efforts to fund the Freedom scholarship.

District 17

Sydney has been an effective advocate for District 17 securing one-time funds for projects important to the communities including, $3 million for completion of the National Music Museum in Vermillion to help finish renovations.

Sydney also supported $15 million in funding for a new biomedical facility at the USD Discovery District research park. 

Contact Sydney

Have questions? An idea to make things better? A problem that could involve state or local agencies — contact Sydney to explore options and answers.